MyGP \ Biometrics

The objective of this project was to enable GP Practices to remotely acquire biometric readings from patients via the myGP app. Patients can record these themselves at home, but require a structured schedule and method for recording and submitting to ensure high quality data for doctors.


Zsolt Simon


Product Designer


Jun 2017

Dr. Designer

To start I conducted in depth interviews with both doctors and patients. Talking to doctors I understood the need for remote monitoring and the tricky requirements for the recorded data to be acceptable by a GP. I also had to familiarise myself with the use cases and best practices of recording:

  • blood pressure

  • body temperature

  • oxygen saturation

  • weight

  • peak flow.

Based on this I created methods of properly recording each as it’s hard to find a one size fits all framework.

Discovery & Workshop

As this project involved multiple personas on the healthcare provider and user side as well I conducted a Design Thinking Workshop to uncover and organise what we know about our key stakeholders. Everybody was invited from the CEO through QA to Trainers. We created empathy maps of our main personas then went through ideation to generate some quick ideas to get us started.

Blood pressure example

Just as one example I had to learn a lot about how blood pressure is taken in a clinically acceptable way. Users would have to record their blood pressure 2 times a day for 1 week with each datapoint consisting of the sum of 2 readings. Good luck explaining that to a user and ask them to play nicely.

In order to maximise adherence I designed a screen that tracks all existing, upcoiming and missed readings.

Guided Readings

You can imagine your 70 year old Grandma's relationship with technology. I designed this step by step UX that would guide even her through all the steps necessary for a clean and accurate reading.

I made an animated circle UI that fills half way for your 1st reading, then makes you wait 60 seconds and prompts you to record your second reading. The two will then be averaged. If in doubt about the details I made some nice illustrations about posture, the dos and don'ts of taking a reading and how to use our app.

Let's solve some cool problems.

© 2024 Zsolt Simon

Let's solve some cool problems.

© 2024 Zsolt Simon

Let's solve some cool problems.

© 2024 Zsolt Simon