Loot \ Onboarding
Loot was a challenger bank for students. I worked on an deep overhaul of the onboarding flow and intro screens to increase conversion of new leads that have just downloaded the app for the first time. The changes resulted in 16% increase in one week to users going through to onboarding stage.
Zsolt Simon
Product Designer
Feb 2019
In banking, the name of the game is trust. We didn't have that yet.
This was a by the book double diamond project that I did under about 2 weeks at Loot. Whilst digging through data with my PM we noticed that folks who downloaded the app weren't getting past the intro screens. We dug deeper into the problem.
We took a handful of tote bags, a few Loot branded cans of beer and stood in front of the King's College campus to offer them to any student willing to test our app then and there for us. Boy did we learn a lot. See the old screens below.
Discovery results: "What is this and why should I care?
As part of Discovery we tested the app with students, I made a competitor analysis of all neo banks (Monzo, Starling etc) and finally we got some folks together and I conducted a Design thinking workshop.
You can see on the image above cutouts of our life size personas who were always invited to our workshops.
What we learned: Our screens - especially in comparison to our more successful peers - don't talk about what we are, what we do and why it's good for you. Oh and also, the style isn't cool enough for a student audience.
Then I started wireframing.
I took the ideas we generated and created all of them into wireframes. We then reconvened as a group and laid the wireframes into 3 distinct flows to be made into higher fidelity designs so we can test them with real users.
Some tried to directly talk about the product rather than features. Some screens were intended to convince the users of the usefulness of the app to their situation, and communicate how easy it is to sign up.
Prototype, increase fidelity
I created a quick prototype to check for information flow and started increasing fidelity applying the brand colours and high quality assets before going into a more in-depth testing.
Test, Analyse & Learn
After increasing the fidelity of the designs I made them into clickable prototypes. I could then take these in front of 7 users to be tested for preference, clarity and usability.
I recorded and laid out the results of the tests in an affinity map to organise the reoccurring themes and insights. This also allowed me to share the findings with my team for better decisioning.
See below the red-thread pinboard of a highly functioning conspiracy theorist. I did 3 of these, one for each flow.
In only 1 week we went through the full design process and produced the final designs. The core focus:
Youthful and playful
Explains the product
Explains the benefits
Shows ease to sign up
In the first week of implementing the new flow we’ve seen a 16% increase in users going through to onboarding.
Next Steps
It goes to show that even a small part of the onboarding flow can make all the difference. After this project I dove deeper into the rest of the onboarding flow with a focus on not annoying users with too much info, making sure KYC flows are accurately done and helping users get ready to make a first deposit as their cards arrive.